Grooming experience/refusal of service

YourDog Lymm strives to provide all dogs with a calm, relaxing and stress-free grooming experience. It is important that you advise me of any existing medical conditions or behavioural issues before your dog’s groom. If your dog has shown any signs of aggression before, either whilst being groomed or otherwise, you must make me aware of this before their groom. If necessary, a muzzle will be used to ensure your dog’s and my safety. All dogs react differently to being groomed. If your dog doesn’t respond well, their groom may take longer than usual and there may be an additional handling fee added to your regular grooming charge. YourDog Lymm has the right to refuse any services at any time and for any reason. If your dog becomes too stressed or dangerous to groom, YourDog Lymm reserves the right to refuse or stop any grooming services. In the event of an incomplete groom due to your dog’s behaviour, the full grooming fee will still be charged.

Cancellation and no-show policy

YourDog Lymm politely asks that you give at least 72 hours’ notice if you need to change or cancel your appointment. YourDog Lymm is a small one-to-one grooming studio and therefore it can take some time to fill cancelled appointments. I kindly ask that you give me as much notice as you can if you are unable to make your appointment for any reason, so I have more time to try to offer your appointment to another fur baby. If you cancel or rearrange within 72 hours of your scheduled appointment time, the full price of the groom will still be charged, as I would be unable to fill your appointment at such short notice. If you forget your appointment or fail to show up at the agreed date and time, the full grooming fee will still need to be paid. Failure to pay the no-show/late cancellation fee will result in all future appointments being cancelled and this would need to be paid before you can rebook.


Your dog must be up to date with all of their vaccinations before attending their groom, this is for the safety of your dog as well as others. Please check with your vet if you are unsure if your dog has had all of their necessary vaccinations.

Fleas and ticks

YourDog Lymm is a flea and tick-free environment. If fleas are discovered during your dog’s groom, their groom will be stopped and you will be politely asked to collect your dog immediately. The full grooming fee will still be charged. I will be very happy to book another appointment for your dog once they have received the relevant treatment. Please consult your vet if you are unsure which flea prevention medication is best for your dog. If a tick is found on your dog during their groom I will notify you. I offer a tick removal service for a £5 additional fee. 

Matted coat policy

Dogs with matted coats will require extra care and attention. Clipping and scissoring matted coats will cause excessive wear and tear on grooming equipment. Therefore there will be an extra fee if your dog’s coat is matted. This will vary depending on the severity of the matting and the size of your dog and starts from £5.00 for one area. This will be discussed before I begin your dog’s groom via a telephone call once I thoroughly assess your dog’s coat condition. If your dog’s coat is matted,  I will clip their coat short as this is the most stress and pain-free method to remove the mats. This is in line with the Animal Welfare Act (2006). There is a greater risk of nicking/scratching a matted dog during the grooming process. YourDog Lymm will not be held responsible for any injuries sustained whilst grooming a dog that is matted or any aftereffects. This includes, but is not limited to swelling, clipper rash, redness, itchiness or self-inflicted abrasions. 

If your dog needs to be clipped short due to matting, please remember that your dog’s coat will grow back very soon and that matting can be painful and cause skin irritations, sores, infections and discomfort for your dog. Matting can also disrupt proper airflow and cut off circulation to your dog’s skin, which can cause hematomas and make it difficult for your dog to regulate their body temperature. I would be very happy to provide further advice on maintaining your dog’s coat. Keeping a routine grooming appointment and regular brushing at home will help to prevent your dog’s coat from becoming matted and keep your dog’s coat healthy and in great condition.


All necessary precautions will be taken to ensure your dog’s safety whilst they are being groomed and in my care. Unfortunately, accidents can happen. Dogs are extremely wiggly creatures by nature and dog grooming tools by necessity are sharp instruments. In the event of an accident or injury, YourDog Lymm will contact you immediately and if necessary, your vet to seek medical attention. You must always be contactable when your dog is being groomed. YourDog Lymm will not be held responsible for any costs incurred because of accident, injury or death whilst your dog is in my care. YourDog Lymm strongly recommends that you have adequate pet insurance for your dog. 

Before your dog’s groom

Please ensure that your dog has been to the toilet or had plenty of opportunity to do so before their appointment. I kindly ask that you always bring your dog to their appointment on a lead for their safety.

Late arrival policy

I kindly ask that you arrive on time for your appointment to ensure your dog’s groom is a calm and relaxing experience finished to the highest standard. Please do give me a call if you’re running a little late. I work on a one-to-one basis with all dogs and therefore time between my appointments is very limited. If you are late this will impact my following appointments. If you are more than 15 minutes late, unfortunately, you will have missed your allocated appointment time and therefore I will no longer have enough time to complete your dog’s groom. Rushing your dog’s groom can cause unnecessary stress to your dog and increase the risk of accidents and injury.  If you are more than 15 minutes late and have missed your allocated appointment time, your dog’s appointment would still need to be paid in full before rescheduling or rebooking.

Late Collection

I always love to have some cuddles and playtime with your dog once their pamper is complete. As much as I would love to be able to spend even more time with your dog, I kindly ask that you are contactable at all times when your dog is being groomed and that you collect your dog promptly once their groom is complete. I always work one to one when grooming your dog and due to this time between my appointments is very limited. I do not have any crates or holding pens in the studio to keep any dogs that haven’t been collected promptly. If you are late collecting your dog this will impact my other appointments and therefore a £5.00 fee will be incurred after the first half-hour has passed and for every 15 minutes thereafter. 


At YourDog Lymm, customer satisfaction is extremely important, and I want you to be very happy with your dog’s groom. If for any reason you are unhappy, please let me know within 24 hours so the issue can be resolved quickly and to your satisfaction and I can ensure that next time your dog is pampered to pawfection. 


YourDog Lymm would love to share all of your fur babies on my social channels and website. I appreciate your consent to allow this. If for any reason you would prefer that photos of your dog are not shared, please do let me know.

Cuddle & pamper policy

At YourDog Lymm, cuddles, loves, kisses and playtime are imperative when completing your dog’s groom. All dogs deserve to be pampered a little… or maybe rather a lot. 

Is your dog in need of a pamper?

Then get in touch for a chat and to book an appointment. Contact details below.

Contact Hannah

Telephone: 07421311715

Email: yourdoglymm@gmail.com

Lymm, Warrington